You can have any number of products ranging from 1 to 20,000 or more.
Yes, you can easily manage multiple warehouse/stores with same product base. However, the limit of warehouse depends on your license. With LionSystem Pro you can manage up to 3 warehouses.
Yes, you can. Please update the settings with site name and the logo can be uploaded by visiting the change logo menu link under settings.
Please upload the biller logo by visiting the change logo menu link under settings. Once logo upload, please edit the biller and choose new logo to update the biller.
Yes, LionSystem it's available in english, spanish, french, german and more.
Products will be automatically subtracted from the warehouse quantity once the invoice created with completed sale status. Sale with pending status will not change the quantity.
New Purchase will automatically add/increase the product quantity in the selected warehouse.
Please check the overselling option in system settings, that would be enabled. You can disable overselling to stop selling products with 0 or lower stock.
Please check the customer group and products tax.
Inclusive tax method means that tax is already included in the price. Exclusive tax method means that tax is not included in the price and should be calculated/added separately. For example: Product Price 100 and Tax 10% Inclusive tax method: Price 90.91 and Tax amount: 9.09 = 100 (total price with tax) Exclusive tax method: Price 100 and Tax amount: 10 = 110 (total price with ta
Product level discount will be applied on the product price before any tax calculation. i.e, Product Price - Product Discount + Product Tax (product tax calculated on Product Price - Product Discount) Order level discount will be applied on the order total (total + product price) before any order tax calculation. i.e, Order Total - Order Discount + Order Tax (order tax calculated on Order Total - Order Discount)
Clear your localStorage, if you have added any item to purcahse, transfer, quote, pos or sale, those all will be cleared.
1. Management or Staff 1.1 Owner 1.2 Admin 1.3 You can add more user groups for your settings and set permissions to any of these groups. 2. Customer 3. Supplier
These user groups are fixed and can't be changed. 1. Owner 2. Admin 3. Customer 4. Supplier You can add more user groups for your settings. These all groups will be considered as staff groups and you can set permissions to any of those groups.
For Staff: Please visit list user and edit the user to reset the password. For Customer/Supplier: Please visit list customers/suppliers and then click the users’ icon to list the user for selected customer/supplier. You can edit any user to reset password.
If you want to delete account for staff member, please visit list users sub menu under people main menu. All the accounts are listed on this page and you can delete any of them. If you want to delete any account customer/supplier account, please visit list customers/suppliers sub menu under people main menu. All the customers/suppliers are listed on this page. Now click the users’ icon to list the account for the customer/supplier. On this window, you can delete any account for this customer/suppler. If you delete any customer/supplier, all the account attached with the customer/supplier will automatically deleted.
Payment options available for customers to choose from are as following: 1. Paypal 2. Skrill Payment options has been added to v3 that will be available to customers when you email invoice to them. Customers would be able to make paymment by this gateway using link in email and from front-end (once available).
Payment options available to process the credit card for POS Modules are as following: 1. Paypal Pro 2. Stripe 3. Payments will be proceeded after you submit the sale from POS and this could take a few second extra then the normal POS sale.
No, currently there is no such feature available yet.
API calls to both server could take few seconds as the payment is processed after submit.
Please visit the customer listing page to check the deposit amount and add new deposits to any customer. On sales, you can use the deposit in paid by and system will automatically deduct the sale amount from customer's deposit amount.
Please send an email to [email protected] and your request will be attended asap.
You need to select smtp email protocol in Settings/Email. If you are using gmail, you need to "allow non secure apps".